Correct me if I'm wrong, but Savannah Heat doesn't come until way way into the NF campaign. Here's what I ran (mission+bonus at the same time);
[card]Ether Renewal[/card][card]Fire Attunement[/card][card]Aura of Restoration[/card][card]Fireball[/card][card]Immolate[/card][card]Liquid Flame[/card][card]Rodgort's Invocation[/card][card]Meteor Shower[/card]
-[skill=text]Ether Renewal[/skill] sucks hard, and I mean really hard. It was all I had at the time, but if you have it use [skill=text]Elemental Attunement[/skill]
-[skill=text]Aura of Restoration[/skill] can be replaced with [skill=text]Mystic Regeneration[/skill] if you want, but it doesn't matter too much
-Attributes are Fire Magic 16, ES 13/11, Earth Prayers 0/8
Fire Nuker - You
MM or Healer - Hero 1
Prot Monk - Hero 2
Koss - Hero 3
Healer/Damage Dealer (depending on what hero you took) - Henchie
Melee henchie